Answered By: Sara Fillbrandt
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2025     Views: 58

You can renew most items online yourself.

Exceptions are: laptops and other equipment, interlibrary loans, and items that have already been renewed once. If you try this process and you're unable to renew, you can contact for help.

Renew a book (or item) in 4 steps:

  1.  Log into your library account from the library home page "My Account" > "My Library Account", or directly here:
  2. Check the box next to the item(s) you want to renew.
    Screenshot of library account page. One book is listed as being due in 4 days; the check box to the left of the cover image is checked.
  3. Click the 'Renew items' button.
  4. Verify that this is the title(s) you want to renew, and select 'Renew.'
    Renew item dialog box open over a greyed out My Library Account page. The dialog box is asking if the user wants to renew the displayed item. There is an option to renew or cancel in the lower right corner of the box.

The status of your item(s) will update with a new due date. 


Thanks for renewing a book! Please don't forget to return your materials to the library when you are finished!

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